Six Sigma for Website Design

In the past I mentioned if I were to ever make a big change I would use Six Sigma. Well, let’s be honest with ourselves for a moment. What I’ve done with JavaScript is very neat, but with each post it’s going to get larger. The problem is that eventually the script would become too… Continue reading Six Sigma for Website Design

Updated Portfolio Page for Mobile Users

Once again another project that was a lot easier than I anticipated. The HTML and CSS portion was easy because it is easy to hide elements based on screen size. Typically you just create a “hide-mobile” ID, set its display type to none, and encapsulate you want hidden on mobile within the id. You can… Continue reading Updated Portfolio Page for Mobile Users

Brief PowerShell and Windows Command-Line Introduction

I decided to pivot just a little bit from the Cybersecurity content and do some work with PowerShell and Windows Command-Line. Understanding how to navigate a filesystem via Command-Line can be helpful for A+, but you do not need to be a professional. If you plan on learning skills like Cisco Networking then these skills… Continue reading Brief PowerShell and Windows Command-Line Introduction

New IT Content on the Way

I published a summary on DDoS attacks. It’s not the most comprehensive article of all time, but it should be enough to get you through CompTIA certification on the subject. To summarize the article, a single device in a botnet is referred to as a zombie. Zombies can be controlled remotely, and their resources are… Continue reading New IT Content on the Way

Update for Resources Page

This script to update my resources page is rolling out a lot more quickly than I had anticipated. The script also incorporates JSON style arrays alongside class objects, which is not what I had initially anticipated. However, since the new resource page has no clickable links I do not need to perform any sort of… Continue reading Update for Resources Page

Overview on Primitive Data Types

I want to work my way up to classes, and I figured after talking functions it would be a good idea to step back. Primitive data types are the integers, boolean values (true, false), and so on that you typically associate with programming. There are plenty of lists on Google, so I will not get… Continue reading Overview on Primitive Data Types

Let’s talk Functions

I think two of the biggest things I struggled with learning programming was understanding functions. On the surface they seem simple enough, you stick something in and something comes out. However, a poorly written function can have strange behaviors. Not to mention it is not always easy to determine when a function requires a return… Continue reading Let’s talk Functions

Bespoke Java Framework

I’ve been saying that a JavaScript framework would be overkill, so I am writing patchwork code. I actually realized that’s not all that necessary in JavaScript. As I’ve said before JavaScript supports OOP classes, which makes it easy to associate data types with one another. It’s also super nice because it means I can handle… Continue reading Bespoke Java Framework

Responsive Design vs Dynamic Design

If you are new to front-end development you may be unaware that responsive design and dynamic design are two different concepts. It can be frustrating because in English the terms are largely synonymous with one another. However, in the front-end space the words mean two completely different things. The relationship is that every good website… Continue reading Responsive Design vs Dynamic Design

Dynamic Portfolio Update

It turns out improving the layout of the portfolio took a lot less effort than I expected. As a result, I rolled out the update sooner than I expected. Some of the challenges I faced were with rendering CSS properly, and figuring out how to keep all of the projects aligned properly. If you look… Continue reading Dynamic Portfolio Update