Text Editors and IDEs

If you’re going to do any sort of work with scripting or programming you should understand the difference between a text editor and IDE. In Windows the difference between VS Code (my recommendation for IDE btw), Code::Blocks, and Notepad are pretty obvious. However, in Linux the line blurs a lot because you have robust editors… Continue reading Text Editors and IDEs

Linux Server Services

Background services are essential on every computer operating system. On Windows if you pull up Task Manager you can find a list running at any given time handling various tasks invisibly. You can see a list of background tasks on my PC below. For the most part, pretty standard stuff aside from GOG Galaxy. I… Continue reading Linux Server Services

Quick Walkthrough: Dualbooting Linux

This is a quick walkthrough because Linux installers typically have a straightforward GUI. The hard part about installing a second operating system on a Mac or Windows device is the initial set up. Hard drives are broken up into partitions, which are sections of memory dedicated to specific tasks. For example, there is typically a… Continue reading Quick Walkthrough: Dualbooting Linux

Safe Database Connections with Node JS

As I started to design my databases it occurred to me that I would need a safe way to store my credentials. A far too common mistake is to make credentials plaintext in source code and then store those credentials in a publicly accessible Github repository or file. Thankfully, people more educated than me have… Continue reading Safe Database Connections with Node JS

Brief PowerShell and Windows Command-Line Introduction

I decided to pivot just a little bit from the Cybersecurity content and do some work with PowerShell and Windows Command-Line. Understanding how to navigate a filesystem via Command-Line can be helpful for A+, but you do not need to be a professional. If you plan on learning skills like Cisco Networking then these skills… Continue reading Brief PowerShell and Windows Command-Line Introduction