Passing Variables by Reference and Value

I recently covered soft and hard links in Linux, and figured it would be a good idea to follow up with passing variables into functions by reference and value. Every variable is assigned a memory address, just like files in Linux. Just like linking those files in Linux, you can do two different things with… Continue reading Passing Variables by Reference and Value

Object Orientated Class is in Session

Up until recently I had been building up to Object Orientated Classes. I briefly discussed variables and functions, the building blocks of a class. While my take is a little simple I like to think of classes as custom data structures all their own. They allow you to associate any set of attributes that you… Continue reading Object Orientated Class is in Session

Let’s talk Functions

I think two of the biggest things I struggled with learning programming was understanding functions. On the surface they seem simple enough, you stick something in and something comes out. However, a poorly written function can have strange behaviors. Not to mention it is not always easy to determine when a function requires a return… Continue reading Let’s talk Functions

Bespoke Java Framework

I’ve been saying that a JavaScript framework would be overkill, so I am writing patchwork code. I actually realized that’s not all that necessary in JavaScript. As I’ve said before JavaScript supports OOP classes, which makes it easy to associate data types with one another. It’s also super nice because it means I can handle… Continue reading Bespoke Java Framework

Streamlined Portfolio Design

Currently this website utilizes solely vanilla HTML and CSS, but over the next few days that will change. I have been playing around with an idea in vanilla JavaScript that now seems to work. The trick seemed to be to use class objects yet again. What I am doing is combining the text for the… Continue reading Streamlined Portfolio Design

Object Orientated Python Editor Update

My last post I had used a data structure to handle the words and their counts, but sorting that structure was messy. I played around with a few songs from a few major artists and bands, and found their song was typically between 374 and 601 words long. The few I dove deeper into generally… Continue reading Object Orientated Python Editor Update