OOP: Inheritance

One of the main benefits of using Object Orientated Programming is the class feature. I like to think of class objects as a convenient container I can optimize for the situation. For example, in the context of data science you may have several variables you want to keep together or interact with one another. Sometimes… Continue reading OOP: Inheritance

Good Programming Comments

Writing good programming comments can be crucial to cooperation among programmers. Ideally variables and functions would be well named, but naming conventions are not perfect. Furthermore, code can become difficult to read pretty quickly. A lot of algorithms can be abstract, and you cannot control how built-in functions are named. They can also help when… Continue reading Good Programming Comments

Characters, Strings, and Arrays

Previously I wrote about primitive data types, and I’d like to expand on that by covering strings and arrays. For me, the easiest way to think of a string is as an array of characters; An array is just a collection of items that consist of a specific data type. In general, every character is… Continue reading Characters, Strings, and Arrays

Overview on Primitive Data Types

I want to work my way up to classes, and I figured after talking functions it would be a good idea to step back. Primitive data types are the integers, boolean values (true, false), and so on that you typically associate with programming. There are plenty of lists on Google, so I will not get… Continue reading Overview on Primitive Data Types

Let’s talk Functions

I think two of the biggest things I struggled with learning programming was understanding functions. On the surface they seem simple enough, you stick something in and something comes out. However, a poorly written function can have strange behaviors. Not to mention it is not always easy to determine when a function requires a return… Continue reading Let’s talk Functions