How AI can Improve Music

According to my mom I’ve been a musician since before I could walk. She would fight me to get the Harmonica out of my mouth, and that progressed into playing piano. From there, I learned to play guitar and I’ve been playing ever since. In fact, I learned guitar specifically because I was cat fished… Continue reading How AI can Improve Music

Passing Variables by Reference and Value

I recently covered soft and hard links in Linux, and figured it would be a good idea to follow up with passing variables into functions by reference and value. Every variable is assigned a memory address, just like files in Linux. Just like linking those files in Linux, you can do two different things with… Continue reading Passing Variables by Reference and Value

Reading Data from CSV Files and MySQL Queries

I used to read a lot of doom and gloom from the Data Science community on working with dirty databases instead of clean CSV files. Generally I agree with criticism toward how academia handles programming content, but this isn’t a hill to die on at all. On the surface the two seem significantly different because… Continue reading Reading Data from CSV Files and MySQL Queries

For, While, and “Do… While” Loops

Programming can be pretty loopy sometimes, and there are a few different types of primary loops you will encounter. The two most common loops are “for” and “while”. There are a few different reasons why you would use a loop, and I think the most common reason is to work through an array index by… Continue reading For, While, and “Do… While” Loops

OOP: Inheritance

One of the main benefits of using Object Orientated Programming is the class feature. I like to think of class objects as a convenient container I can optimize for the situation. For example, in the context of data science you may have several variables you want to keep together or interact with one another. Sometimes… Continue reading OOP: Inheritance

What’s Been Going On

About a week ago I had surgery to patch a flap in my heart. I took it easy for a bit and binged some old movies to relax. As I got my content together I remembered that I changed my API layout to break up content into Application Development or IT. That means I’ve had… Continue reading What’s Been Going On

Good Programming Comments

Writing good programming comments can be crucial to cooperation among programmers. Ideally variables and functions would be well named, but naming conventions are not perfect. Furthermore, code can become difficult to read pretty quickly. A lot of algorithms can be abstract, and you cannot control how built-in functions are named. They can also help when… Continue reading Good Programming Comments

Portfolio and Resume Advice from Experience

One thing I’ve noticed interacting with people on LinkedIn is that portfolios are kind of the darkside of programming. They’re absolutely essential for landing an internship or even a job, but assembling one let alone representing one can be daunting, and keep you up after midnight. Much like a first date it can be easy… Continue reading Portfolio and Resume Advice from Experience