Six Sigma for Website Design

In the past I mentioned if I were to ever make a big change I would use Six Sigma. Well, let’s be honest with ourselves for a moment. What I’ve done with JavaScript is very neat, but with each post it’s going to get larger. The problem is that eventually the script would become too large. Right now it is over 600 lines long, and most of those lines are strictly related to content; most of the content of the script could be easily thrown into a database. Therefore, the definition of the problem is that I want a sustainable framework for content. Furthermore, I would like a blog-like system to deliver content that does not need an admin panel. The reason I want to get rid of the admin panel is that it would be one less thing to worry about.

The other part of defining the problem is trying to find potential solutions too. That means I need to sit down and design a database schema or in other words how I want the data to relate to each other. Once I’ve got a schema and updated website sitemap I can start looking at stats and crunching numbers. So far some metrics important for SEO have seriously improved. At that point, I can also start working on writing up the psuedocode that will help me get an idea for how I plan to implement my plan. This time nothing will be put into place until everything is good to go. I will do my best to provide example documentation as I go of all the steps involved.

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