NodeJS Portfolio Update (October 9, 2023)

I got some work done this weekend, but not as much as I would have liked. I am trying to come up with a good system for handling database queries. I do not want the database open the entire time the site is up because that could be bad. On the other hand, I cannot… Continue reading NodeJS Portfolio Update (October 9, 2023)

New CMS Up and Running

I finally took the plunge and installed Drupal this morning, but with Cpanel that’s as easy a single button click. I promise this is the last change I’m making to this site. When I first made this website a few years ago I never expected a whole lot. However, just like everything in life it… Continue reading New CMS Up and Running

Scrapping Migration + NodeJS upgrade

I can’t really find a hosting plan that’s affordable for me with my current traffic stats. In order to maintain great traffic ratings I need to be posting daily, and even then great for me is not great for most people. This is kind of a niche field, and I just don’t care enough to… Continue reading Scrapping Migration + NodeJS upgrade

What’s Been Going On

About a week ago I had surgery to patch a flap in my heart. I took it easy for a bit and binged some old movies to relax. As I got my content together I remembered that I changed my API layout to break up content into Application Development or IT. That means I’ve had… Continue reading What’s Been Going On

NodeJS Portfolio Page Update

I was going to streamline the index page and use stats to justify my choice, but it’s a lot less work now and in the future to just leave things as they are. Currently my app can run several queries based specifically on the desired programming language, and render the relevant projects. I think the… Continue reading NodeJS Portfolio Page Update

Six Sigma for Website Design

In the past I mentioned if I were to ever make a big change I would use Six Sigma. Well, let’s be honest with ourselves for a moment. What I’ve done with JavaScript is very neat, but with each post it’s going to get larger. The problem is that eventually the script would become too… Continue reading Six Sigma for Website Design

Updated Portfolio Page for Mobile Users

Once again another project that was a lot easier than I anticipated. The HTML and CSS portion was easy because it is easy to hide elements based on screen size. Typically you just create a “hide-mobile” ID, set its display type to none, and encapsulate you want hidden on mobile within the id. You can… Continue reading Updated Portfolio Page for Mobile Users