What’s Been Going On

About a week ago I had surgery to patch a flap in my heart. I took it easy for a bit and binged some old movies to relax. As I got my content together I remembered that I changed my API layout to break up content into Application Development or IT. That means I’ve had… Continue reading What’s Been Going On

Database Schema and API Finally Working Together

I’ve gone back and forth with myself on this topic because it was a tough problem to solve. Initially I decided on MySQL because I wanted a human readable schema, and JSON can be kind of difficult to read. However, a lot of the solutions I came across for handling JSON in Node.JS with MySQL… Continue reading Database Schema and API Finally Working Together


I know i keep saying it, but figuring out how to implement the API was easily the most difficult thing I’ve done so far. I had to combine information from a few sources, and still hack things together to get everything to work. One of the first things I have to say if is you… Continue reading XML and JSON

Updated Portfolio Page for Mobile Users

Once again another project that was a lot easier than I anticipated. The HTML and CSS portion was easy because it is easy to hide elements based on screen size. Typically you just create a “hide-mobile” ID, set its display type to none, and encapsulate you want hidden on mobile within the id. You can… Continue reading Updated Portfolio Page for Mobile Users

Dynamic Portfolio Update

It turns out improving the layout of the portfolio took a lot less effort than I expected. As a result, I rolled out the update sooner than I expected. Some of the challenges I faced were with rendering CSS properly, and figuring out how to keep all of the projects aligned properly. If you look… Continue reading Dynamic Portfolio Update