A Brief Introduction to Social Engineering

I remember being in Math class when I first read the name Anna Sorokin, and I blew it all off as nothing. Con artists are nothing new, and aside from the fact she took on some massive banks the same applied to her. While Inventing Anna was one of the funniest things I’ve seen in… Continue reading A Brief Introduction to Social Engineering

Safe Database Connections with Node JS

As I started to design my databases it occurred to me that I would need a safe way to store my credentials. A far too common mistake is to make credentials plaintext in source code and then store those credentials in a publicly accessible Github repository or file. Thankfully, people more educated than me have… Continue reading Safe Database Connections with Node JS

New IT Content on the Way

I published a summary on DDoS attacks. It’s not the most comprehensive article of all time, but it should be enough to get you through CompTIA certification on the subject. To summarize the article, a single device in a botnet is referred to as a zombie. Zombies can be controlled remotely, and their resources are… Continue reading New IT Content on the Way