New API Structure and Devlog Layout

I have been slacking on progress over the past week or so, but I am happy to share where my site is at now. As my friend put it, “You need to remember there are a lot of people in the world, and shocker that means you’ll come across people from time to time who… Continue reading New API Structure and Devlog Layout

Updated Portfolio Page for Mobile Users

Once again another project that was a lot easier than I anticipated. The HTML and CSS portion was easy because it is easy to hide elements based on screen size. Typically you just create a “hide-mobile” ID, set its display type to none, and encapsulate you want hidden on mobile within the id. You can… Continue reading Updated Portfolio Page for Mobile Users

Streamlined Portfolio Design

Currently this website utilizes solely vanilla HTML and CSS, but over the next few days that will change. I have been playing around with an idea in vanilla JavaScript that now seems to work. The trick seemed to be to use class objects yet again. What I am doing is combining the text for the… Continue reading Streamlined Portfolio Design