Soft and Hard Links in Linux

Soft and Hard links in Linux are kind of a weird concept in Linux. The primarily detail to keep in mind is that every object stored on a harddrive is given a memory address. You can think of the harddrive as a neighborhood, and each object as a house within that neighborhood. Soft links create… Continue reading Soft and Hard Links in Linux

Automating Simple and Common Linux Tasks

As I study for Linux+ I am working on writing BASH scripts to help reinforce my memorization. A lot of this stuff is review for me, but it’s still nice to have it fairly present in memory. All things considered, the way Linux handles directories can be a little confusing. A directory is basically a… Continue reading Automating Simple and Common Linux Tasks

Exploring Linux via Terminal

The Linux terminal is easily the most intimdating feature of Linux, but also the source of its power. On Windows if you want to find a file you typically browse through directories with or without shortcuts to those directories. You can do that on Linux too if you really want, but BASH is incredibly powerful.… Continue reading Exploring Linux via Terminal

Linux Server Services

Background services are essential on every computer operating system. On Windows if you pull up Task Manager you can find a list running at any given time handling various tasks invisibly. You can see a list of background tasks on my PC below. For the most part, pretty standard stuff aside from GOG Galaxy. I… Continue reading Linux Server Services

Creating a Linux+ Study Environment

In order to prepare for Linux+ it is incredibly important to have several distributions on your machine simultaneously. When I studied for Linux+ in college I only used Ubuntu Server and Fedora Workstation. However, as it’s pointed out in the Sybex study guide different distributions are like different models of cars with their own pros… Continue reading Creating a Linux+ Study Environment

OSI Model Overview

I wrote a simple comparison of the TCP/IP and OSI models. The models are pretty important in IT because they describe how data goes from your computer screen to another device on the other side of the world. As networks and their requirements have gotten more complex so has the model that describes the internet.… Continue reading OSI Model Overview

Preparing for Linux+ Certification

Linux+ and I have a bit of history because it is the first CompTIA exam I tried, and I failed. I absolutely demolished my classes, and my professors told us to schedule the exam a week after classes ended. Back then the Linux+ Certification was still good for life too, so there would be no… Continue reading Preparing for Linux+ Certification

Brief PowerShell and Windows Command-Line Introduction

I decided to pivot just a little bit from the Cybersecurity content and do some work with PowerShell and Windows Command-Line. Understanding how to navigate a filesystem via Command-Line can be helpful for A+, but you do not need to be a professional. If you plan on learning skills like Cisco Networking then these skills… Continue reading Brief PowerShell and Windows Command-Line Introduction

New IT Content on the Way

I published a summary on DDoS attacks. It’s not the most comprehensive article of all time, but it should be enough to get you through CompTIA certification on the subject. To summarize the article, a single device in a botnet is referred to as a zombie. Zombies can be controlled remotely, and their resources are… Continue reading New IT Content on the Way