Quick Migration Update

Over this past weekend I binged John Wick Chapters 1-4, and I’m kind of proud of myself. I feel like whenever I talk about myself people tend to miss what I’m actually sharing, and jump straight to positivity. Learning how to program the way I did is ridiculously difficult, and I’ve missed out on a… Continue reading Quick Migration Update

Creating a Linux+ Study Environment

In order to prepare for Linux+ it is incredibly important to have several distributions on your machine simultaneously. When I studied for Linux+ in college I only used Ubuntu Server and Fedora Workstation. However, as it’s pointed out in the Sybex study guide different distributions are like different models of cars with their own pros… Continue reading Creating a Linux+ Study Environment

OSI Model Overview

I wrote a simple comparison of the TCP/IP and OSI models. The models are pretty important in IT because they describe how data goes from your computer screen to another device on the other side of the world. As networks and their requirements have gotten more complex so has the model that describes the internet.… Continue reading OSI Model Overview

Good Programming Comments

Writing good programming comments can be crucial to cooperation among programmers. Ideally variables and functions would be well named, but naming conventions are not perfect. Furthermore, code can become difficult to read pretty quickly. A lot of algorithms can be abstract, and you cannot control how built-in functions are named. They can also help when… Continue reading Good Programming Comments

Preparing for Linux+ Certification

Linux+ and I have a bit of history because it is the first CompTIA exam I tried, and I failed. I absolutely demolished my classes, and my professors told us to schedule the exam a week after classes ended. Back then the Linux+ Certification was still good for life too, so there would be no… Continue reading Preparing for Linux+ Certification

Quick Walkthrough: Dualbooting Linux

This is a quick walkthrough because Linux installers typically have a straightforward GUI. The hard part about installing a second operating system on a Mac or Windows device is the initial set up. Hard drives are broken up into partitions, which are sections of memory dedicated to specific tasks. For example, there is typically a… Continue reading Quick Walkthrough: Dualbooting Linux

Programming Laptops

When I was in college I saw a lot of Computer Science majors with fancy gaming laptops running Windows. Not only were the laptops likely overkill for their applications, but Windows is a horrible environment for programming. For example, you can quickly get C/C++ support in Fedora Linux because GNU support is native on Linux.… Continue reading Programming Laptops

Top Five Project List on Future Blog Posts

A while back I was going to use Six Sigma to justify streamlining my website. However, I slept on it and ended up coming with another idea I like a lot more, which is to just display the five most relevant projects. Anything related to web design would be covered by the fact I plan… Continue reading Top Five Project List on Future Blog Posts

Portfolio and Resume Advice from Experience

One thing I’ve noticed interacting with people on LinkedIn is that portfolios are kind of the darkside of programming. They’re absolutely essential for landing an internship or even a job, but assembling one let alone representing one can be daunting, and keep you up after midnight. Much like a first date it can be easy… Continue reading Portfolio and Resume Advice from Experience