Cat, Head, and Tail Linux Utilities

Generally, if you’re working with Linux then you’re working in terminal. It is incredibly important to understand how to read files while working in terminal, and Linux has a few nifty options. What you should do really depends on the situation and size of the file. A few of the basic functions you will use… Continue reading Cat, Head, and Tail Linux Utilities

Automating Simple and Common Linux Tasks

As I study for Linux+ I am working on writing BASH scripts to help reinforce my memorization. A lot of this stuff is review for me, but it’s still nice to have it fairly present in memory. All things considered, the way Linux handles directories can be a little confusing. A directory is basically a… Continue reading Automating Simple and Common Linux Tasks

Brief PowerShell and Windows Command-Line Introduction

I decided to pivot just a little bit from the Cybersecurity content and do some work with PowerShell and Windows Command-Line. Understanding how to navigate a filesystem via Command-Line can be helpful for A+, but you do not need to be a professional. If you plan on learning skills like Cisco Networking then these skills… Continue reading Brief PowerShell and Windows Command-Line Introduction