Detecting Intruders

I wanted to go back over your devices listening to you, but this time focus on malicious actors. This is a far more common way that people are actually victims. There are websites where you can see unsecured webcams, and unsecured printers used to be popular targets for vandals too. I feel like this also… Continue reading Detecting Intruders

Private, Public, and Hybrid Cloud Architectures

Putting your information on a far away server can be scary unless you understand how they operate. There are three different types of cloud architectures good for different uses: public, private, and hybrid. The primary difference is who can access the data. Public data do not hide their data from anyone, and can be great… Continue reading Private, Public, and Hybrid Cloud Architectures

Designing a Home Network

I previously wrote about subnetting, and understanding the networking hardware involved is part of designing a good network. I’m going to focus entirely a home network though because there are fewer good options, and both are valid depending on your needs. If you do pursue Network+ certification you’ll want to familiarize yourself with all the… Continue reading Designing a Home Network

Ads and Data Analysis

Whether or not our devices are listening to us is a pretty big concern, and ads are usually provided as evidence. However, warentless wiretapping is as old as The Patriot Act, and always-on devices can catch private details. However, that’s a sticky topic I do not want to address. I did once have a coworker… Continue reading Ads and Data Analysis

The future of AI and VISHING (Voice Phishing)

A connection on LinkedIn recently brought up the point that he believes AI will make Vishing a greater threat against corporations in the future. His argument is based on how AI is making everything easier nowadays. As it improves its ability to communicate with humans, it can become yet another attack vector that is an… Continue reading The future of AI and VISHING (Voice Phishing)

Linux System Failures

There are two types of system failures on a Linux system, and really any system with an operating system: Driver and Kernel failure. When you have a kernel failure on a Linux system you will see the words “Kernel Panic.” There are a few ways to approach a kernel panic depending on how you’re using… Continue reading Linux System Failures

Tips and Considerations for Migrating a Server (Things I learned)

I’ve been a little light on content lately, and I apologize. There’s a lot going on in my personal life, but I wanted to throw out some tips for migrating from a shared host to a VPS. It didn’t go quite as planned for me, but it’s still working out for me. I’m probably going… Continue reading Tips and Considerations for Migrating a Server (Things I learned)

The Linux Boot Process

Linux is a very open, customizable, and complex operating system. It’s also a great starting point for learning how computers operate because it gives us insight into the processes involved. For example, the boot process has three steps, and the final two are pretty complicated steps. After performing and ensuring the system passes a Power… Continue reading The Linux Boot Process

Text Editors and IDEs

If you’re going to do any sort of work with scripting or programming you should understand the difference between a text editor and IDE. In Windows the difference between VS Code (my recommendation for IDE btw), Code::Blocks, and Notepad are pretty obvious. However, in Linux the line blurs a lot because you have robust editors… Continue reading Text Editors and IDEs

Soft and Hard Links in Linux

Soft and Hard links in Linux are kind of a weird concept in Linux. The primarily detail to keep in mind is that every object stored on a harddrive is given a memory address. You can think of the harddrive as a neighborhood, and each object as a house within that neighborhood. Soft links create… Continue reading Soft and Hard Links in Linux