Text Editors and IDEs

If you’re going to do any sort of work with scripting or programming you should understand the difference between a text editor and IDE. In Windows the difference between VS Code (my recommendation for IDE btw), Code::Blocks, and Notepad are pretty obvious. However, in Linux the line blurs a lot because you have robust editors… Continue reading Text Editors and IDEs

Passing Variables by Reference and Value

I recently covered soft and hard links in Linux, and figured it would be a good idea to follow up with passing variables into functions by reference and value. Every variable is assigned a memory address, just like files in Linux. Just like linking those files in Linux, you can do two different things with… Continue reading Passing Variables by Reference and Value

Soft and Hard Links in Linux

Soft and Hard links in Linux are kind of a weird concept in Linux. The primarily detail to keep in mind is that every object stored on a harddrive is given a memory address. You can think of the harddrive as a neighborhood, and each object as a house within that neighborhood. Soft links create… Continue reading Soft and Hard Links in Linux

Cat, Head, and Tail Linux Utilities

Generally, if you’re working with Linux then you’re working in terminal. It is incredibly important to understand how to read files while working in terminal, and Linux has a few nifty options. What you should do really depends on the situation and size of the file. A few of the basic functions you will use… Continue reading Cat, Head, and Tail Linux Utilities