Common BASH functions

I finally put together a new article that’ll be live before you see this post on common BASH functions. I’ve been working my way through Linux+ prep, and even wrote a program to do some Linux BASH stuff in a slightly more user friendly format. I threw together a massive article with tons of pretty… Continue reading Common BASH functions

Updating and Installing LDAP on Rocky Linux

After summarizing the type of authentication servers that are available on Linux, I thought it would be fun to install LDAP. The first step is to always update the Operating System. As you’ll see in the video below I had never actually updated Rocky so it took a few minutes. I then tried to find… Continue reading Updating and Installing LDAP on Rocky Linux

Linux Auth Servers Options

When you’re running a server for an app you may need to consider authentication servers. An authentication server is a server that is designed to ensure information is delivered only to an intended party. Typically, authentication occurs by passing a certification from the device or user to the server. A valid certification should require both… Continue reading Linux Auth Servers Options

Updated BASH Script

I went ahead and updated the script that handled a lot of BASH tasks. It now has something resembling a user menu, and a series of if and else-if branches. It walks the user through each task asking for the relevant information in the terminal, stores the information into a variable, and then performs the… Continue reading Updated BASH Script

Automating Simple and Common Linux Tasks

As I study for Linux+ I am working on writing BASH scripts to help reinforce my memorization. A lot of this stuff is review for me, but it’s still nice to have it fairly present in memory. All things considered, the way Linux handles directories can be a little confusing. A directory is basically a… Continue reading Automating Simple and Common Linux Tasks

Exploring Linux via Terminal

The Linux terminal is easily the most intimdating feature of Linux, but also the source of its power. On Windows if you want to find a file you typically browse through directories with or without shortcuts to those directories. You can do that on Linux too if you really want, but BASH is incredibly powerful.… Continue reading Exploring Linux via Terminal

How Email is Sent

This is an interview question that came up for me with a helpdesk role. There is technically no wrong answer to the question, but you can get very technical very quickly. The easiest answer is of course you type words onto your screen, hit the send button, and a lot of magic occurs. You could… Continue reading How Email is Sent

Linux Webservers

If you ever decide to run your own server it’s important you understand the options available to you. There are a few popular webservers that are available on Linux servers, and the most common is probably Apache web server; The Apache Web Server was designed to be a lightweight and heavily modable package. That means… Continue reading Linux Webservers

Linux Server Services

Background services are essential on every computer operating system. On Windows if you pull up Task Manager you can find a list running at any given time handling various tasks invisibly. You can see a list of background tasks on my PC below. For the most part, pretty standard stuff aside from GOG Galaxy. I… Continue reading Linux Server Services