Detecting Intruders

I wanted to go back over your devices listening to you, but this time focus on malicious actors. This is a far more common way that people are actually victims. There are websites where you can see unsecured webcams, and unsecured printers used to be popular targets for vandals too. I feel like this also… Continue reading Detecting Intruders

Private, Public, and Hybrid Cloud Architectures

Putting your information on a far away server can be scary unless you understand how they operate. There are three different types of cloud architectures good for different uses: public, private, and hybrid. The primary difference is who can access the data. Public data do not hide their data from anyone, and can be great… Continue reading Private, Public, and Hybrid Cloud Architectures

Designing a Home Network

I previously wrote about subnetting, and understanding the networking hardware involved is part of designing a good network. I’m going to focus entirely a home network though because there are fewer good options, and both are valid depending on your needs. If you do pursue Network+ certification you’ll want to familiarize yourself with all the… Continue reading Designing a Home Network

Updating and Installing LDAP on Rocky Linux

After summarizing the type of authentication servers that are available on Linux, I thought it would be fun to install LDAP. The first step is to always update the Operating System. As you’ll see in the video below I had never actually updated Rocky so it took a few minutes. I then tried to find… Continue reading Updating and Installing LDAP on Rocky Linux

Linux Auth Servers Options

When you’re running a server for an app you may need to consider authentication servers. An authentication server is a server that is designed to ensure information is delivered only to an intended party. Typically, authentication occurs by passing a certification from the device or user to the server. A valid certification should require both… Continue reading Linux Auth Servers Options

How Email is Sent

This is an interview question that came up for me with a helpdesk role. There is technically no wrong answer to the question, but you can get very technical very quickly. The easiest answer is of course you type words onto your screen, hit the send button, and a lot of magic occurs. You could… Continue reading How Email is Sent

OSI Model Overview

I wrote a simple comparison of the TCP/IP and OSI models. The models are pretty important in IT because they describe how data goes from your computer screen to another device on the other side of the world. As networks and their requirements have gotten more complex so has the model that describes the internet.… Continue reading OSI Model Overview

Portfolio and Resume Advice from Experience

One thing I’ve noticed interacting with people on LinkedIn is that portfolios are kind of the darkside of programming. They’re absolutely essential for landing an internship or even a job, but assembling one let alone representing one can be daunting, and keep you up after midnight. Much like a first date it can be easy… Continue reading Portfolio and Resume Advice from Experience

New IT Content on the Way

I published a summary on DDoS attacks. It’s not the most comprehensive article of all time, but it should be enough to get you through CompTIA certification on the subject. To summarize the article, a single device in a botnet is referred to as a zombie. Zombies can be controlled remotely, and their resources are… Continue reading New IT Content on the Way