Top Five Project List on Future Blog Posts

A while back I was going to use Six Sigma to justify streamlining my website. However, I slept on it and ended up coming with another idea I like a lot more, which is to just display the five most relevant projects. Anything related to web design would be covered by the fact I plan… Continue reading Top Five Project List on Future Blog Posts

New API Structure and Devlog Layout

I have been slacking on progress over the past week or so, but I am happy to share where my site is at now. As my friend put it, “You need to remember there are a lot of people in the world, and shocker that means you’ll come across people from time to time who… Continue reading New API Structure and Devlog Layout

NodeJS Portfolio Page Update

I was going to streamline the index page and use stats to justify my choice, but it’s a lot less work now and in the future to just leave things as they are. Currently my app can run several queries based specifically on the desired programming language, and render the relevant projects. I think the… Continue reading NodeJS Portfolio Page Update