Scrapping Migration + NodeJS upgrade

I can’t really find a hosting plan that’s affordable for me with my current traffic stats. In order to maintain great traffic ratings I need to be posting daily, and even then great for me is not great for most people. This is kind of a niche field, and I just don’t care enough to… Continue reading Scrapping Migration + NodeJS upgrade

What’s Been Going On

About a week ago I had surgery to patch a flap in my heart. I took it easy for a bit and binged some old movies to relax. As I got my content together I remembered that I changed my API layout to break up content into Application Development or IT. That means I’ve had… Continue reading What’s Been Going On

Quick Migration Update

Over this past weekend I binged John Wick Chapters 1-4, and I’m kind of proud of myself. I feel like whenever I talk about myself people tend to miss what I’m actually sharing, and jump straight to positivity. Learning how to program the way I did is ridiculously difficult, and I’ve missed out on a… Continue reading Quick Migration Update