Linux System Failures

There are two types of system failures on a Linux system, and really any system with an operating system: Driver and Kernel failure. When you have a kernel failure on a Linux system you will see the words “Kernel Panic.” There are a few ways to approach a kernel panic depending on how you’re using… Continue reading Linux System Failures

Updating and Installing LDAP on Rocky Linux

After summarizing the type of authentication servers that are available on Linux, I thought it would be fun to install LDAP. The first step is to always update the Operating System. As you’ll see in the video below I had never actually updated Rocky so it took a few minutes. I then tried to find… Continue reading Updating and Installing LDAP on Rocky Linux

Linux Auth Servers Options

When you’re running a server for an app you may need to consider authentication servers. An authentication server is a server that is designed to ensure information is delivered only to an intended party. Typically, authentication occurs by passing a certification from the device or user to the server. A valid certification should require both… Continue reading Linux Auth Servers Options

How Email is Sent

This is an interview question that came up for me with a helpdesk role. There is technically no wrong answer to the question, but you can get very technical very quickly. The easiest answer is of course you type words onto your screen, hit the send button, and a lot of magic occurs. You could… Continue reading How Email is Sent

Linux Webservers

If you ever decide to run your own server it’s important you understand the options available to you. There are a few popular webservers that are available on Linux servers, and the most common is probably Apache web server; The Apache Web Server was designed to be a lightweight and heavily modable package. That means… Continue reading Linux Webservers

Linux Server Services

Background services are essential on every computer operating system. On Windows if you pull up Task Manager you can find a list running at any given time handling various tasks invisibly. You can see a list of background tasks on my PC below. For the most part, pretty standard stuff aside from GOG Galaxy. I… Continue reading Linux Server Services

New CMS Up and Running

I finally took the plunge and installed Drupal this morning, but with Cpanel that’s as easy a single button click. I promise this is the last change I’m making to this site. When I first made this website a few years ago I never expected a whole lot. However, just like everything in life it… Continue reading New CMS Up and Running

Quick Migration Update

Over this past weekend I binged John Wick Chapters 1-4, and I’m kind of proud of myself. I feel like whenever I talk about myself people tend to miss what I’m actually sharing, and jump straight to positivity. Learning how to program the way I did is ridiculously difficult, and I’ve missed out on a… Continue reading Quick Migration Update

Portfolio and Resume Advice from Experience

One thing I’ve noticed interacting with people on LinkedIn is that portfolios are kind of the darkside of programming. They’re absolutely essential for landing an internship or even a job, but assembling one let alone representing one can be daunting, and keep you up after midnight. Much like a first date it can be easy… Continue reading Portfolio and Resume Advice from Experience