Soft and Hard Links in Linux

Soft and Hard links in Linux are kind of a weird concept in Linux. The primarily detail to keep in mind is that every object stored on a harddrive is given a memory address. You can think of the harddrive as a neighborhood, and each object as a house within that neighborhood. Soft links create… Continue reading Soft and Hard Links in Linux

Common BASH functions

I finally put together a new article that’ll be live before you see this post on common BASH functions. I’ve been working my way through Linux+ prep, and even wrote a program to do some Linux BASH stuff in a slightly more user friendly format. I threw together a massive article with tons of pretty… Continue reading Common BASH functions

Creating a Linux+ Study Environment

In order to prepare for Linux+ it is incredibly important to have several distributions on your machine simultaneously. When I studied for Linux+ in college I only used Ubuntu Server and Fedora Workstation. However, as it’s pointed out in the Sybex study guide different distributions are like different models of cars with their own pros… Continue reading Creating a Linux+ Study Environment