OSI Model Overview

I wrote a simple comparison of the TCP/IP and OSI models. The models are pretty important in IT because they describe how data goes from your computer screen to another device on the other side of the world. As networks and their requirements have gotten more complex so has the model that describes the internet. The OSI model is an expansion on the original TCP/IP model that allows for greater control of information. The OSI model allows devices to work on two different layers independently or simultaneously. It’s important to remember which devices operate on which layers for CompTIA certification; remembering the layers in general is also a good idea. As a result the post could have definitely gone further into detail.

The reason the article does not dive further is that network topology can be a difficult subject all its own. You have subnets, gateways, and all sorts of stuff in between. There are important things to consider when developing a network too such as physical and logical topology. Physical topology is the physical layout, and logical topology is the logical layout. Unfortunately, reality has a way of making things more difficult than they should be sometimes. There’s also physically configuring devices to be as secure as possible while satisfying the required range and everything. I will do my best to expand on the topic in the future.

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