OOP: Inheritance

One of the main benefits of using Object Orientated Programming is the class feature. I like to think of class objects as a convenient container I can optimize for the situation. For example, in the context of data science you may have several variables you want to keep together or interact with one another. Sometimes… Continue reading OOP: Inheritance

Top Five Project List on Future Blog Posts

A while back I was going to use Six Sigma to justify streamlining my website. However, I slept on it and ended up coming with another idea I like a lot more, which is to just display the five most relevant projects. Anything related to web design would be covered by the fact I plan… Continue reading Top Five Project List on Future Blog Posts

Safe Database Connections with Node JS

As I started to design my databases it occurred to me that I would need a safe way to store my credentials. A far too common mistake is to make credentials plaintext in source code and then store those credentials in a publicly accessible Github repository or file. Thankfully, people more educated than me have… Continue reading Safe Database Connections with Node JS