NodeJS Portfolio Page Update

I was going to streamline the index page and use stats to justify my choice, but it’s a lot less work now and in the future to just leave things as they are. Currently my app can run several queries based specifically on the desired programming language, and render the relevant projects. I think the final approach will likely be to load a batch of projects in each language into an array on the client side, and then iterate through that array instead. Database queries and API calls can eat up server resources quickly. All that said, for now I’m just happy it works. I’m going to work on updating the devlog next.

The updated devlog will have a similar structure to the portfolio page. There will be a “resources”, “personal”, and “site update” section with a featured section for the latest post. The change in structure will be reflect the layout of the website in general, and let you focus on exactly what you want to see. I don’t really like getting personal, and generally do not care about peoples’ personal lives either. It should really only take a few hours once I get around to the work. One idea I want to play with though is automatically generating a posts’ keywords based on its subject, and doing that with database relationships. None of these updates will be reflected on the current page because I cannot run NodeJS with this hosting package.

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