New CMS Up and Running

I finally took the plunge and installed Drupal this morning, but with Cpanel that’s as easy a single button click. I promise this is the last change I’m making to this site. When I first made this website a few years ago I never expected a whole lot. However, just like everything in life it did not work as I would have expected. I ended up dropping out and traffic surged. I haven’t checked, but I imagine it’s dropped because I neglected the site to try to build my own CMS. It was a great way to learn NodeJS, NodeJS Express servers, and how much VPS plans actually cost. In any case, I definitely needed a solution if I planned on keeping this website.

The purpose behind this new architecture is that I can create regular content, whether it’s daily or weekly and it will not make my projects more difficult to find. One of the unfortunate things about using a blog as a portfolio is that content drives traffic, and so portfolio objects get buried quickly. Since I do not have any professional experience that portfolio is the source of my legitimacy on the topic of programming. All of the content should be back up on the new site in the next day or two. I’ll do my best to go back to useful daily content in the coming days.

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