NodeJS Portfolio Update (October 9, 2023)

I got some work done this weekend, but not as much as I would have liked. I am trying to come up with a good system for handling database queries. I do not want the database open the entire time the site is up because that could be bad. On the other hand, I cannot… Continue reading NodeJS Portfolio Update (October 9, 2023)

NodeJS Progress Update (October 2nd, 2023)

I ran into a few snags, but for the most part I have everything for the main site in place on the development subdomain. The express server code performs MySQL queries just fine and everything. There are little changes I’ll need to make like getting all the images into place and getting their names into… Continue reading NodeJS Progress Update (October 2nd, 2023)

New API Structure and Devlog Layout

I have been slacking on progress over the past week or so, but I am happy to share where my site is at now. As my friend put it, “You need to remember there are a lot of people in the world, and shocker that means you’ll come across people from time to time who… Continue reading New API Structure and Devlog Layout

Database Schema and API Finally Working Together

I’ve gone back and forth with myself on this topic because it was a tough problem to solve. Initially I decided on MySQL because I wanted a human readable schema, and JSON can be kind of difficult to read. However, a lot of the solutions I came across for handling JSON in Node.JS with MySQL… Continue reading Database Schema and API Finally Working Together