Common BASH functions

I finally put together a new article that’ll be live before you see this post on common BASH functions. I’ve been working my way through Linux+ prep, and even wrote a program to do some Linux BASH stuff in a slightly more user friendly format. I threw together a massive article with tons of pretty pictures too. I’m really sorry I’ve been slacking on long form content. My head was not always in the best place to write content, and I’m not the most creative person. Anyway, it goes over quite a few common functions and utilities you’ll use in BASH.

However, it is not fully comprehensive by any means. There are a ton of options for theĀ ls command alone, and I was not trying to rewrite entire man pages. When I was first learning the Linux community typically had this expectation you tried, you failed, you researched your failure, and failed to find an answer before you asked for help. I honestly believe it’s one of the most important skills a programmer can have, so the article starts out telling you how to pull up man pages in the terminal. You will run into problems, and it does not matter how long you’ve been writing code. Furthermore, regardless of your academic background it will not always be easy troubleshooting your problems. I tried to be reasonably thorough and cover all the bases nonetheless.

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