
When I first made this website two years ago it was meant to build a community as a content creator. However, I know from my teenage years that is not my passion, and I turned the old blog into a makeshift portfolio instead. This blog will serve as a compliment to that portfolio by giving you a window into future website changes.

For the moment the biggest changes coming to the website are ensuring the articles maintain all the same links to scripts they had in the past, and adding demonstration videos to each post. I also think some projects could be refactored to be prettier, and lastly there is a major project I would love to work on. More details on that project will come as I flesh it out more myself. For now, everything planned is just little quality of content/life stuff. This blog will also be updated at some point to match the main website better.

Lastly, I plan on trying to post daily. I will be working full-time so those posts may come later in the day, but I will do my best to be more consistent. Some days those posts will be about future updates to the site, and other days my backstory as it relates to programming. However life may get in the way some days. No more invisible changes or anything. Thanks for stopping by.

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